Monday, August 23, 2010

THE DANDY WARHOLS live show review

The Dandy Warhols will be in Australia for Parklife in early October. The last time they were on these shores, things got a little strange...

The Dandy Warhols (support act: Downhills Home)
Friday, 31 October 2008, Enmore Theatre, Sydney.

Over at Mission Control, Lieutenant Pop starts to worry...
“Earth to the Dandy Warhols, earth to the Dandy Warhols, are you receiving me? Over.”

Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt.

“It’s no good sir, I’ve tried contacting The Dandy Warhols but all I’m hearing is random static and feedback.”

Commander Rock stares out the window, pondering the infinite cosmos beyond. Then shakes his head: “Ever since Captain Taylor-Taylor went on that mission with the warlords of Mars, he’s given up trying to communicate with the outside world. His methods were always unconventional, but he used to get results. Now, I’m not so sure. Perhaps Lieutenant, we’ll need to put our faith in our younger space cadets, Downhills Home. Their solid country-rock can be good for the soul, and at times they take me back to my youth. Ah, those Grateful Dead gigs were really something...”

But Commander Rock’s reverie is quickly interrupted. Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt. SHAZAM! KAPOW!

Lieutenant Pop stares at his monitor in disbelief. “Sir, did you see that? It’s beautiful! What is it?”

“That son, is The Dandy Warhols re-entering our orbit. Look there, you can clearly make out ‘We Used To Be Friends’ and ‘Bohemian Like You’. And there! Peaking out behind that needlessly drawn out intro, it’s ‘Boys Better’. For a moment there I thought we’d never see those stars again. ” But still the Lieutenant looks fretful: “Sir, I’m picking up an unidentified object on my radar. It’s enormous! What could it be?”

“Relax, it’s just Captain Taylor-Taylor’s gorgeous pout. You don’t usually see anything like that unless you’re in the Zoolander System.”

Bzzzzzt. Crackle. Bzzzzzzt.

“Blast it sir! I’m losing them again. Let me check the radar. The Dandys appear to be... I can’t believe this. They seem to be... disappearing up their own backsides. ” Commander Rock just shakes his head slowly. He’s seen this happen before. “Lieutenant, with these guys you gotta have patience. Every time you think you’ve lost them in a blizzard of white noise, they will draw you back again with ‘The Last High’ or ‘Get Off’. Sure, they’re an enigma, but God bless those guys. And God Bless America.”

Article by Andy McLean. Copyright held by the author.
First published in The Brag, Sydney, 2008.

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