Monday, September 13, 2010

DALLAS CRANE dallas crane

I don't know about you, but I never did quite get the appeal of Dallas Crane... 

You know those nights where it doesn't matter how much beer you drink, you just can't seem to get drunk? It looks like beer, tastes like beer and everyone else who's drinking it is plastered - but for some reason you're stone cold sober still. Well, that's what listening to this album was like for me.

As you'd expect from the Dallas boys it's mostly good, solid bluesy rock. The instruments are played competently and guitar solos are in all the right places. Opening track 'Dirty Hearts' has enjoyed extensive radio play and may just be the song that finally raises the Melbourne outfit into the big league.

A lot of people are going to love this album. I'm just not one of them.

In fact nothing really moved me until final track 'Alright By Me' when they loosen up, drop the rawk and all of a sudden they sound good.

Really good.

Blindingly good in fact.

A hypnotic guitar and piano carry you through languid, blissed out vocals shared by Pete Satchell, Dave Larkin and Shannon Vanderwert and POW! It's like Gruff from Super Furry Animals singing Spiritualised's 'Cop Shoot Cop' after one-too-many space cakes. If that last track is a sign of where they're heading on the next record maybe it's not too late for me to get drunk on Dallas Crane afterall.

Listen to this album if you liked Dallas Crane before: you'll love them now.

By Andy McLean. Copyright held by author.
Article first published in The Brag, Sydney, 2004.

Dallas Crane is available through Albert Productions.

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