Here is my first ever music review. Aw! Isn't it cute?
And by the way - yes - they really do eat deep-fried pizza in Scotland.
When I was 14 a new kid arrived at school. Newcomers were normally given a pretty rough ride but Eddie* was different. At six-feet-plus he was further developed physically than anyone else and quickly set about demonstrating this to the school's female population. Brash, rude and violent, he was worshipped by boys and girls alike.
Today, at the School of New Rock, Scottish duo the Sluts of Trust have arrived for their first day with similar aspirations. Their schoolbag is bursting at the seams with dirty, thrashy punk songs full of sexual intent.
Things kick off at brutal, breakneck speed and you’re eight tracks in before things slow down long enough for you to catch your breath. By then you're not sure if they've fucked you or beaten you up but you do know a baseball bat was involved somehow.
When the pace slows things begin to unravel though. 'Dominoes' sounds like The Divine Comedy minus the sense of humour and 'Pirate Weekend' brings the album to a plodding close. Being a guitar/drums duo, comparisons with The White Stripes are inevitable, and though the Sluts do have the same spunk, they don't quite have the same subtlety. So whilst many of these songs will sound ear-bleedingly good live, on record they aren't top of the class just yet.
If We Are All Sluts of Trust was a Scottish food it would be deep-fried pizza: it sounds disgusting, you know it must be bad for you and it's best consumed when you're blind drunk.
By Andy McLean. Copyright held by author.
By Andy McLean. Copyright held by author.
Article first published in The Brag, Sydney, 2004.
'We Are All Sluts of Trust' is available through Chemikal Underground.
* No, his name wasn't actually Eddie. His real name has been changed for the purposes of this article to protect his anonymity.
* No, his name wasn't actually Eddie. His real name has been changed for the purposes of this article to protect his anonymity.
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